Spice Girl DVD Quickies!
Hover over pictures and any text which changes colour.
If you're using NetScape, you will miss out on a few things; but have no-one to blame for this but yourself!
vs. the IRA
"Ah, bejezus. Press the fooken button!"
The End
vs. the Bouncing Bomb
The End
vs. the Muses
Dear Zeus,
We should appreciate a favour, if you have any spare lightning bolts...
The End
vs. Quicksand
*Glub... glub... glub...*
The End
vs. St. George
Dragon: Hmmmm... I fancy something spicy for lunch...
St. George: By all means carry on, old chap. I'll come back later!
The End
*Cloud and Sticks wipe the blood from their hands, whilst Ollie uses a vaccuum to suck the blood from his.....*
The End
vs. NASA
"...that is confirmed, Houston. We were so 'entranced' by their singing on the way up here that we forgot to tell them to suit up before exiting the lander..."
The End
vs. the 37 Bus
Driver (to passengers): Did anyone else feel five bumps, back there?
The End
vs. Cannibals!
Um'bango: Pass the salt, old boy.
Ahuhu: Certainly, old chap. Would there be any breast of Geri left?
Um'bango: Tons, old man. Absolute tons!
The End
vs. Beethoven
Beethoven: (heaving a piano out of an upper-storey window): Take this, you evil harpies!
The End
vs. the WORLD!
"...This just in... The Spice Girls were walking along Carnaby Street earlier today, when Venus fell on them. Pictures at eleven."
The End
Sorry -- couldn't resist it
Katie vs. 43,000 Dogs
.....in the road...
...The next dog in line squatted and crapped on the stain in the road...
...The next dog in line squatted and crapped on the stain in the road...
...The next dog in line squatted.......
(Never) The End
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