Whose Who's Who? |
Bignall (v): | to make grand gesticulations signifying nothing. |
Denislaw: | a law of nature by which one's downfall is brought about by a once-favoured son. |
Don Quixote: | a pretentious ass. |
Einstein (person): | The German chap who got a reputation for buying only the first beer. |
Evelyn Wood: | malicious tree sprites. |
Fleming: | posting insults on alt.chat.south-africa. |
Frank Zappa (n): | a microwave oven. |
Hegel: | young lady made while the sun shines. |
Heindl: | an upper class doorknob. |
Hobbit: | item of collectors' paraphernalia. |
Humphrey Bogart: | graffito found in a deodorised toilet stall. |
Laird: | ugly upper class Celt. |
Leonberger: | fat-free junk food. |
NancyB: | a robotic grandmother. |
Newton: | what one gets after the old ton is used up. |
Norman: | cubist. |
Phil Lip: | Duke of Edinburgh. |
Reuben (v): | what rich young dandies do when they go out in the country for a lark. |
Rex Reed: | Command to an intelligent dog. |
Royal Family: | an oxymoron. |
Sauvage: | a particularly vicious kind of pork product. |
Shaker's Pear (thingy): | a simple piece of wooden folk art. |
Sheikh's peer (thingy): | another sheikh. |
Wallace (n): | skilled bricklayer. |